Lime Sublime Green Smoothie

Lime Sublime Green Smoothie

All Recipes, Smoothies & Juices
Lime Sublime Green Smoothie Green smoothies work to alkalize the body, establish healthy gut flora, and work to increase energy levels. Now, this green smoothie contains lime juice, which has been known to promote healthier skin, fight infections, aid with weight loss, and improve overall digestion. Drink it to believe it! 1 cup water2 cups spinach1 cup green grapesthe juice of 1/2 lime1/2 cup pineapple (cubed and frozen overnight)1/2 cup ice (if smoothie is not thick enough) Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. If the smoothie isn't thick enough, add 1/2 cup of ice and continue blending to thicken it.Pour into a glass and enjoy.
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Yellow Squash Noodles In An Asian Sauce

Yellow Squash Noodles In An Asian Sauce

All Recipes, Entrees
Yellow Squash Noodles In An Asian Sauce If you thought zucchini was the only thing you could spiralize, think again! While yellow squash isn't that much different the zucchini, it offers a unique sweetness that pairs well with the powerful flavors in this Asian sauce. 2 yellow squash (spiralized)2 green onions1 red bell pepper (thinly sliced)1 tbsp coconut oil2 clove garlic (minced)2 tsp ginger (minced)3 tbsp coconut aminos1 tbsp raw almond butter1 tbsp sesame seeds If you have a little extra time, sprinkle a little sea salt over the noodles and let them rest in a bowl on the counter for 10 minutes. This works to draw out moisture and yields a crispier noodle.Rinse the squash noodles and strain the water.Add the squash noodles, green onion, and bell pepper to…
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